How Summer Heat Can Affect Hearing Aids

How Summer Heat Can Affect Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are sophisticated devices that rely on advanced technology to enhance a person’s ability to hear. However, like all electronic equipment, hearing aids are susceptible to damage from the surrounding environment, which includes extreme temperatures, humidity, and exposure to moisture. Let’s explore how summer heat can affect hearing aids and what steps you can take to protect them.

How Does Summer Heat Impact Hearing Aids?

Summer heat can impact hearing aids in various ways. Here are just some of the ways excessive heat can harm your hearing aids:

Battery Life

Battery life is a significant concern when it comes to hearing aids. High temperatures can reduce the lifespan of the battery, leading to more frequent replacements and a shortened overall lifespan of the device. The heat can also cause the battery to expand, which can damage the internal components of the hearing aid.

Moisture Damage

Humidity and sweat can damage the internal workings of hearing aids, leading to performance problems and even complete failure. If moisture gets inside the device, it can corrode the soldering and other components, leading to costly repairs or replacements.

Earwax Buildup

Summer heat can increase earwax production due to sweating. If this excess earwax gets into the hearing aid, it can clog the wax guard or even damage the internal components.


High temperatures can make wearing hearing aids uncomfortable, especially if the device’s fit is not snug or the material used in the construction of the hearing aid is not breathable. Discomfort can lead to frustration and even cause individuals to discontinue using their hearing aids.

Tips for Proper Maintenance and Care of Hearing Aids in the Summer

Here are some of our top tips to help you protect your hearing aids during the summer season:

Store Your Hearing Aids in a Cool, Dry Place

When not in use, store your hearing aids in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid putting them in your car glove compartment or leaving them in a place where they can be easily exposed to high temperatures.

Keep Your Hearing Aids Clean and Dry

Clean your hearing aids every day using a soft, dry cloth to remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated. Use a dehumidifier or a dry aid kit to remove any moisture from the device, helping to protect it from any damage. If your hearing aids are exposed to sweat during outdoor activities, be sure to wipe them down immediately.

Use Sweatbands

If you’re an active person, consider wearing a sweatband around your head during outdoor activities to help absorb excess sweat and prevent it from getting inside the hearing aid.

Maintain Good Ear Hygiene

Regular ear cleaning is important to reduce the risk of earwax buildup. If you’re prone to excess earwax, talk to your hearing health professional about the best methods to prevent damage to your hearing aid.

Invest in Waterproof or Water-resistant Hearing Aids

If you’re planning on spending a lot of time around water, consider investing in hearing aids that are either waterproof or water-resistant, reducing the risk of moisture damage. However, it’s important to note that water resistance does not mean completely waterproof, so it’s best to avoid submerging your hearing aids in water.

Schedule Regular Maintenance with Your Hearing Health Professional

As with any sophisticated electronic device, regular maintenance and care from a qualified professional are essential for ensuring the best performance. We’re here to help you with regular check-ups to monitor your hearing aid’s performance and address any concerns before they become bigger problems.

Visit Us For Hearing Aid Support

Summer heat can impact hearing aids in various ways, from reducing battery life to causing discomfort and damage from moisture. However, with proper maintenance and care, you can protect your hearing aids and enjoy a full range of outdoor activities without worrying about damaging your device. 

By following our tips for proper maintenance and scheduling regular maintenance appointments, you can make sure that your hearing aids remain in excellent condition year-round.

If you’re experiencing issues with your hearing aids or would like additional information about protecting your hearing aids in the summer, contact us today for professional advice and guidance.